University of Cape Town
UCT High Performance Computing Cluster

Last 72 hours completed jobs for swan queue

110 Jobs: Total CPU time: 11497 hours (479 days)       Total Wall time: 283 hours (11 days)

Completion time User Job ID and name Account CPU time Wall time MaxRSS MaxVMem Tasks Cores Nodes AveRead AveWrite Exit code: status
2024-12-21 17:51:09 jtxtan001 58995 re5000_10 mecheng 51-20:48:00 1-07:07:12 59.46 GB 0 GB 1 40 1 0.01M 0.00M COMPLETED
2024-12-21 18:00:14 jtxtan001 58996 re6000_10 mecheng 52-02:32:40 1-07:15:49 59.45 GB 0 GB 1 40 1 0.01M 0.00M COMPLETED
2024-12-21 18:10:02 jtxtan001 58992 re2500_10 mecheng 52-11:32:00 1-07:29:18 59.46 GB 0 GB 1 40 1 0.01M 0.00M COMPLETED
2024-12-21 18:15:23 jtxtan001 59000 re5000_12 mecheng 52-06:17:20 1-07:21:26 59.6 GB 0 GB 1 40 1 0.01M 0.00M COMPLETED
2024-12-21 18:15:24 jtxtan001 58994 re4000_10 mecheng 52-13:24:00 1-07:32:06 59.47 GB 0 GB 1 40 1 0.01M 0.00M COMPLETED
2024-12-21 18:17:49 jtxtan001 58993 re3000_10 mecheng 52-15:29:20 1-07:35:14 59.82 GB 0 GB 1 40 1 0.01M 0.00M COMPLETED
2024-12-21 18:38:00 jtxtan001 58999 re4000_12 mecheng 52-21:54:40 1-07:44:52 59.67 GB 0 GB 1 40 1 0.01M 0.00M COMPLETED
2024-12-21 18:39:30 jtxtan001 58998 re3000_12 mecheng 52-23:26:40 1-07:47:10 59.61 GB 0 GB 1 40 1 0.01M 0.00M COMPLETED
2024-12-21 18:51:06 jtxtan001 59001 re6000_12 mecheng 53-05:32:40 1-07:56:19 59.67 GB 0 GB 1 40 1 0.01M 0.00M COMPLETED
Completion time User Job ID and name Account CPU time Wall time MaxRSS MaxVMem Tasks Cores Nodes AveRead AveWrite Exit code: status