University of Cape Town
UCT High Performance Computing Cluster

Last 72 hours completed jobs for l40s queue

101 Jobs: Total CPU time: 5 hours (0 days)       Total Wall time: 3 hours (0 days)

Completion time User Job ID and name Account CPU time Wall time MaxRSS MaxVMem Tasks Cores Nodes AveRead AveWrite Exit code: status
2024-12-22 12:34:18 vvnmax002 59092 bash l40sfree 01:58:00 00:14:45 11.08 GB 0 GB 8 8(1) 1 436.61M 141.55M COMPLETED
2024-12-22 13:21:17 vvnmax002 59095 bash l40sfree 04:00:32 00:30:04 10.22 GB 0 GB 8 8(1) 1 211.99M 58.39M COMPLETED
2024-12-22 13:50:02 vvnmax002 59096 bash l40sfree 01:24:40 00:10:35 10.06 GB 0 GB 8 8(1) 1 1617.34M 1379.38M FAILED
2024-12-22 13:57:11 vvnmax002 59089 bash l40sfree 16:38:24 02:04:48 0.99 GB 0 GB 8 8(1) 1 40.72M 2.25M FAILED
Completion time User Job ID and name Account CPU time Wall time MaxRSS MaxVMem Tasks Cores Nodes AveRead AveWrite Exit code: status